Jack Manage It

Still today no sell of anythings at the new shop of mine maybe need the advertise I don't know.
I find a so good cardboard box and put it in my shop with a blanket for Jack have a nap at work or just watch my store from him new box palace. I say ok Jack you are manage the store when Sam is salvage or go see someone and Jack give the look of everything under control and him proud at have a job.
Jack is the so good boy. I give him some meat I am not know what meat is it but Jack was not care and like it a lot and after come lean at my leg for pet me. Him is smell like dirty corn and ear and I am have the feel of love at him too. I am lucky Sam to have the so good friend of Jack as my buddy.
I know Jack is good guard my store so I do the run around look for useful things and find a sew kit so I am make a sharktooth belt now is my lucky day I guess. Now I just make a decide about take the new good belt to Blindman or Pigman for them sucker trade deal or maybe now sell it in my shop. For all the nobody shop there.

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