Sharp Look Marko

Marko come home in the night of today and have in him hand a funny sack of I don't know what was it then. Marko carry him bag like was a so nice thing but maybe break if not hold it right. Then Marko was go in him own room pull him curtain too. I was so wonder about what in him funny sack so I climb some up him ladder of him room for have the peek under him curtain. Was maybe some bad for me have the look at him be alone times but ok so I done it. What I seen was Marko wear a new so glamour green jacket was the nice look of clean and new too. Grammy was say about when is a man look so good say about him is look sharp. But them mens Grammy was think have the look of sharp was not have any cut edge I seen so I don't know what is the mean of it.

On him bed was put a metal tray is so shine you are have the look of you own self in it and Marko was have the so look of him own self in it. Was look him one side down then up in the shine tray like so think about it and then turn him other side and have the same so look of him own self like was different on him other side. I am worry about him be crazy some but my look of him face was make it the ok feel too. I seen him look at him tray and make the so big smile face at it but I have the think is not the look of him own self in him glamour new jacket was make him smile. Is something else I don't know. Marko is look sharp and be so funny in him ways. 

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