Never Unsay It

I say the so dumb thing. I am so ashame feel so not even spell of it here the what of my say or who was have the hear of it. I can not tell nobody too for the so umbarrased like burn them furs and have the bad smell of it on you nice shirt three days sometimes. Smell of dumb is hang around longer on Sam than burnt smell because I been dumb and I been burnt too so I am know how long is them really stink. I am never know what is ok say about and what is nobody want to know. I am just some girl live in a cave with she broke slow head I am not know ever what is the ok thing because I never even have the know of what is ok look like. I been so hide undersand and talk to a goat for the so long time I am never learnt what is the right way of be a people. I wisht there was glu for fix my broke head. I would trade my all of things for please fix them brain cracks.

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