Dream Of Happy For Once

I am not know for what is the do about my dream I had just now is like so up is down. I was go asleep my face the so cry hurt was give me headpains again but I sleep so fast. Then in my dream think was not any ghoul of nobody horror was like the nother world where is only all them glad things of life and the nother world open up for Sam and they sun and moon was sing at me too. I was not have the fears or sad feels or headpains or worry too was all just gone from my head. I have a wonder it was what regular folks are be like in they heads maybe. I was have a dance on some so green grass and sing a song too was my voice so glamour then I don't know why. It was the feel only where was my sad used to be like lose them bad baby teef and have a hole there and is you tongue feel like something gone. I was so amaze feel like have them brain cracks fix with glu for even just the while of my dream. 

I am tell it now about the I am not know what for do about it part and is so crazy even for the head of Sam is nuts. Grammy always say folks be scramble in they heads is called nuts but nuts is so yum for eat them and hard to find too I was not know the why of give them nuts to crazy folks but I don't know is just what she say about so ok. But my dream was nuts and the why is my so nice flower in my hair was talk at me. I was say about it be nuts. My hair flower voice was soft like whisper at me from special wires say the only one thing is it say at me. Flower say about Sam keep you happy feels safe. I promise my flower ok for keep safe them so good feels but what is the mean of it I don't know how am I put my happy in a box for bury it maybe is the sound of nuts folks talk. I have the think of my happy feel be like a shadow of them scares and always is the glad shadow just under where is the foot of fear. I was never before have the think of how them shadow be always walk around with you like the so good fiend. I am thank my shadow when is in my look next for always be there and never let go of my feets. I am really need some sleep where no dreams is in my think they make me so more nuts than normal. 

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