The Spell Of It

I was just see something today and I am not know how ever I was not see it. I was run home after look for things and I seen on my wall again was someone in the night spell on my wall. When I get near for the close look of it I seen the spell was different from what I seen before the spell is not the same. Some are say SEAWWCONDS and some are SEAWWCONS. Also is where I seen DESTROY is bad spell of DESTORY on one of them wall spells I seen around. I don't know what is the mean of it other than maybe someone is not pay enough attention sometimes. Lots of people around are not know about spell and read so ok they never notice. But I am wonder about why someone is write on walls and spell a thing one way and then the nother way a later time. Is either dumb or crazy I guess or just try for confuse everyone maybe.

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