
I have the so good surprise from Pigman Trader I am so glad feel. I take to Pigman some patterns and junk I am not even need and like is always him trade offer me was the sucker deal. But I take my junk for go away and him say Sam wait I have this nother thing maybe you want and Pigman show me a chicken in a crate. She was a so big chicken with orange feathers and funny side eyes she is so cute when she cluck and she red face wiggle in parts too. I say ok Pigman and him say about crate not included so I hug my chicken and walk home slow so she not get the fear. She was want to run but I hold tight and say about make her the safe nice house where Curry is live. Also I will talk at Jack and say him stay away and not eat her and she was look relief some. She was cluck and I feel her sound on my rib and she was warm too and smell only a little funny. I guess she eat big fat grubs for grow so big. When we get to my house I say this is Curry and this is Jack and here is where you house I make goes. At first she was flap around the place and cluck cluck but then she settle and peck around like happy chicken. She has the so nice face and warm color on she wings I give her the name of Honeypie. I think she is look like a Honeypie. It is feel good to have something make me smile I almost forgot.

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