House Bones

My walk around is good for find new places but I was not find much salvage things there. I see a big stone village in the sands stick out like some body bury it. I have nothing in my hear so I go for a see of it. I am not even know what I am look for there but I got no nother plan I guess. 

Like every place it was broke all up and just junk was around. Some them big stone houses was so high I was wonder why they not fall down. Every thing else was.

I stand so still and look at them broke places. I was wonder if them get some thing crash into them or was they fall apart from insides. Is all broke now so I guess is not matter much.

I member when I be a slave there was a pile of dead folks Honcho Uno leave rot in the sun for scare every body else. I seen they skins get tight and bones poke out like them broke places here. Just some old bones now nothing left.

I find a place for sit down a while so I sit down a while. I don't know why I was not tired for walk so far not even my feets was yell at me about stop you walk Sam. I guess my whole self was need to go walk around. I eat some bacons then decide for walk more.

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