Chemicals and Radiations

My friend Benji is so nice. She showed me lots of places around that I didn’t know about where there is chemicals and radiations. Benji says those things made her mutant. She says things don’t hurt as much when you are mutant and she feels ok not too much hurting from changing to mutant either. All of this sounds maybe ok to Sam and if I was mutant me and Benji would be like sisters. And I think I like to be a sister.

So I was thinking about it first and then went and I just did it. I went to one of the places where there was green radiations and stood in it for a little while maybe not enough I don’t know.

I was feeling sick and like throwup after and then I got real sleepy so I hid in the tunnel. I had funny dreams of a dog that lived in Honcho Uno’s fort called Tripod for his three legs. He hopped around funny but he was a good dog and in my dream he brought me a little fish in his mouth. When I woke up I tried to braid my hair but it all fell out like dead grass. Maybe I’m mutant now but I don’t have a tail so I don’t know.

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