Places I Lived

I like my house now it is a good safe place for stay and make a home too. For most my whole life I was live in the fort of Honcho Uno and be him slave just because I got born there. All I was know about then is a musty cabin where we had for sleeping and also work in the kitchen to keep the army of Honcho Uno fed and loyal. Sometimes Grammy was talk about before she got slaved and how hard it was when she was a brat they had to eat a lot of bug she say. I think eat a bug is throwup but when you hungry them keep you from starve to death. I am like bacon more. After we escape when fort got sacked the Man with the Gloves keep me in a box for a long time so that was where I lived then I guess. Him was horrible and I am not like to spell about it. But when I get away from him in the night I run and run until I find The Rot and there is my first home after be free. I had to learn so much for stay alive and The Rot was keep me safe when I was learn things. I was always talk to my friend the bridge there and also swim too is so good there. I am still love The Rot but there I was sleep in a stinky tunnel and never have a place for make a home. I was get the most sad about no home when I was have the so sick Rust Mouth. I was sick and wander around with fever then I seen some old broken walls and metal boxes big like rooms in the sand and I had to hide and stay there because so sick. I got better after the long time and the place of metal boxes was give me the good feel by then so I stay there and now is my home. Here in Fissure is my most best home of all because is safe and I can have the nice fire and make soup and even have my dog and goat and mouse friends too in my house. I am like to be free and decide things for my own self. I think if I was slaved again after know what free is about I would get the so sad feel and die from it or just want to. Nothing is better than decide for myself my own life and anyone who try take that from me is get a machete in him neck.

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