Dream Of Gone

After play at flute most of the night I sleep a little before open my shop. When I was sleep I have the so fear dream give me the panic for the real of it. Dream I was walk home from have a nice look at them fighters in they pit fights and I was feel good and the so bright sky give me the glad feel. Then I have the look of ahead and there is nothing it is gone. The entire Fissure and with it my whole everything was gone like not ever been there even. Then I think of Jack and Curry and Honeypie and the funny black kitty I seen around sometimes even Gnawbert maybe is all gone too. I just stand and stand and look and look at the nothing. I look around but I seen no Seawwconds threat in paint nowhere so is not even him mean do this. Then I have a think about what I have left is from build my shop a hammer almost broke and some fabric bits I was not even know was in my pocket. I even have sharktooth candy in one pocket but them things was all I had my everything else was gone. I have a think then about jump into the empty where was my life but instead I was just stand like a statue. I jump awake then and was wet from sweat and chill too like sick but was just the fear I think. I was glad for be awake from the horror of it and everything in my look then was seem more beautiful and good than when I was go to sleep. 

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