Ammo Sell

Yesterday to my shop come in a so glamour tiger lady. I seen her have a bow and her seen the arrows I get when trade things at the Trader Man who is not have a look at you. Tiger lady was give all my sell them things the good look at and point to some things her want. And then from in she sack was three coal lumps for trade to me. The eyes of mine almost pop out from they skull holes but I stay like nothing is funny about it and I say ok tiger lady we are trade them things and her go away happy. I like she eyes like the big water so blue and blue.
So when sun come up today I run to Masheen for make some ammo. My friend Marko was teach me make ammo when I was a brat. Him tell about make a gumpowder and also other secret do things for make them slug for them guns. Marko was say Sam if you are learn how make the ammo when you small maybe you live long enough and get big. I learnt it good from Marko and I take them coal from tiger lady and make the giant ammo heap.
When sun was over top I have them ammo on my shelf and was look so glamour all nice like a fort. I put twenty slug ammo for sell them on my shelf and maybe someone is need shoot at somebody else and get they ammo from Sam. Maybe someone is need for kill a hunerd folks and also they can get ammo for do that from Sam but I am hope not because kind of mean.

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