Still Sit

In the so early morning I like when is I sit and have my think. Them good airs then give me the feel of new things like them green grow sprigs push they leaf heads out they dirts I guess I am the leaf head. Also is everything be still then and I sit so still too for be a part of it. My think is always run so fast but I try for slow my brains and breathe in the still of them mornings. I try for the relax feel of not live in fear but is sometimes hard to forget them ghoul around is every where now. I miss my bridge of The Rot so I have a think about go there for the look of it but my feets was just stay still. 

Jack come sit by me and push him nose say about go hunt some rats but I say at him no Jack today I am sit here and have a think all day maybe. Jack is not have a very long think about it so him march away for hunt them rats him own self. I am not seen my friends so much these days and not make my spells here so much too. All I am offer is the sad scramblehead of me so I don't know what is the good of it. I get so confuse on my brains they make me forget what is it I have and tell me what is it I don't have and pull at me all over all days until I am hear my own seams rip. I am not have sew in my brains but is just the feel of it. My think it is wear me out most days for the never stop of it. Where is my brain switch for off I don't know. 

So I like the sit in a morning and be still. 

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