Sick Green Day

When was I wake up I have the headpains some and feel like be sick in my breathe. I go for see outside and them airs was thick and stink again and look green some. Sometimes them clouds bring bad smells and the green of them airs is some times start the stink. I go to the bridge in Rot for the breeze of it.

I try for think of what is them skies smelt like and I only was guess is like some old puddle got sick in it and maybe some grubs is have they stink babies there too. I am not want the eat of them grubs for the long time I think. I hope them bad skies is not stay around so long like them skies once was last a whole moon and stink like burnt fish. 

I was hear once some old man say a story around him fire and tell all the folks about when was the world not broke and everyone had foods in the belly too. Also was him say them skies and waters too was not stink at all was clean and never have no sick in it. I member I was have the think of is unpossible for be true because never was a time with so much good in it. Is still seem unpossible now too. And is not matter much because nothing is work very good now anyway even if was work once then. 

Them green skies get dark and more thick of them stinks. I sit on the bridge for the long time I guess and have the look of down. I member some times when I was so sad feel I come to the bridge for not know what else I am do. Sometimes I have the look of down so far and get the feel of fall on my skins for just the think of it. Then when was almost all dark Jack come find me and we walk home. I was look all over them places for some twine but was not find none no wheres. 

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