Hide From My House

I seen a man stand by where is my house when I come back from run around look for useful things. I seen him in my far away look and I have a think maybe is he ghoul but him was just look funny not dead. I am mostly like it when folks are stand around my fire and have they say at each others like be friends but the man was just stand with the look of cross at all the world.

I am not know why the man give me so creep feel about him. I was not want to go inside my house for him know where was I live so I peek watch him from some close bush. Him body was the look of rope all tight like all him was tie in some knot. Him head was look around a lot like maybe was wait for some body him was worry about or was just nervous about some thing I don't know. 

In my hear was also him voice talk low like some whisper but was nobody there for hear he say it. I seen then him anger look and throw him fist at some air but I was not seen nothing for he get cross of it. Then so quick after was him start a laugh like was the so funny joke but I was not see no laugh about it any where around. On him neck was he wear things like some chain so heavy look and funny necklace and bead things too was confuse me. Him eyes move the one way then quick the nother way like hear some folks talk at him but was no folks around for talk at him. I seen him wave him hands too like make a magic maybe but nothing was happen so maybe magic is in him head only I don't know. 

All him ugly face and head hairs was stick out from him like some black pokey bush I seen around and him one eye was have a big old cut down across him head and cheek too. No body here is so clean as Sam take a bath every full moon if I need it our not was Grammy say about a bath. I have a think is umbelievable him was have a bath in maybe ever like him skin was cover with some nother skin of dirts and stink. I seen he head go back and reach him arms up at some skies and yell about bring it today. Them him very words at the sky was bring it today. What is them skies bring rain maybe but why yell it I don't know. Him arms wave around and shake some too like was a heavy thing in him hands but was no thing in him hands. I decide for run away. When I come back after look around some more the man was go away. I am bring my nother pistol around when I go for run around now.   

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