Little Pea Growd Up

I am so amaze about the see of my so funny friend name of Pea. When was I first become here and live nowheres in The Rot I meet a little girl name of Pea and she was live alone in nowheres too like Sam. She face was entire of smudge and she talk was like she nose stuff up with bits of fabric. Pea was the so small person I ever have the look of smaller than Sam even. I like little Pea but then she was go away. I was think maybe them buzzard get her for a snack I don't know.

Then I was lay in The Rot and feel still the so sad about I don't know and then I seen a girl and she was Pea. I was get a glad feel of it too. She growd so big when was she away I was not know her was she. I say hi Pea and she say hi Sam back at me and we laugh and hug like when was we both smaller. Pea say about live close then we go where is she nice dig out house. Is very safe and good I am bring Pea some soup soon. Pea was show me a funny lump on the top of she shelfs was round and fuzzy. Maybe was brown mold I don't know and Pea say it make a coo sound like them dove. I am not even know what is it.

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