Mel In The Basement

Again today I go for see my new fiend Mister Itch. Him say about is look ok for trust you Sam and Mister Itch then was show me where was him secret house. All I am say is him house is undersand like the house of mine and the place where is the door of him house is I am never tell it. 

In Miter Itch house was also live him sister name of Mel and a so big nice dog name of Roland. They house is a so big cave hole where some old stone building was sink in some sand. Itch say about him dig out places for make them new room of they funny undersand house. Roland was lick my hand and I say hi Roland and him wink like say hi back.

Mel and Itch say Sam is ok for you have the look around so I climb around some. I seen where was they house go so down and down in them sands and every place was like some room for some body live there. Itch say about them call they house Basement for it be low in the sands. Basement was feel like a house for a family live there was the nice feel too. 

I crawl so way low down in they Basement and have the look of up. Some drips was make a bitty lake at the low low part was only brown a little and Itch say about can drink it after some boil of it. I seen under Roland paws too was the so funny up look of a dog I clap about it.

The sister of Itch name of Mel was maybe have the fear of stranger folks. She was ask some about where was I live and her listen when was I tell about good dog Jack live with me. But also was she so quiet and in she eye I seen her was have the think about something in she brains but what was it I don't know. I am bring some soup for her soon is always so good when is folks get some soup. 

Mister Itch is be my friend now and I tell him about my nother friends Marko and Kaya and Nick and Ztar and tell about all the folks I know around. Itch and Mel was know not much folks around them say about stay in they Basement a lot for be safe. Them tell about some nother folks live in Basement too sometimes even the ratman name of Gnawbert is stay there when him is crawl around here. Me and Itch and sometimes Mel was talk and talk so much.

Then was the one thing I have the hear of it and get the fear in my skins. Itch was say about him have the look of a so funny name wrote on a wall at the camp of Digger. I say Mister Itch make a spell of it in some sand and the name he seen was not there when last I seen that place. The name of him write it was SEAWWCONS and the nother part was ARE WATCHING. I guess is mean Dan Seawwconds come back now and still is not know the right spell of him own name. I am glad of not have a wood house for him burn it down again. I tell Itch and Mell about the mean of Seawwconds and say about please please shoot him head off if you are have him in you look. 

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