More Dark

I think is morning time now but I am not even have the look of outside so I don't know. My headpains is break the insides of me and even the airs on my outsides feel like hurt. I get my Mister Dirty and old rabbit I found they stay with me like friends. Mister Dirty say at me Sam why is you got so many bad feels and I say because I got the fears of every thing. Him want to know what was I fear about and I say about the feel of every thing is happen at me and I am got no choice of it. And too is fears of not even know when is things happen so I have the feel of dumb Sam walk around not know nothing. Mister Dirty say Sam what is make you not be sad and fear and I say at him I wisht my brains be cleaned out of it like scrub them stains in you clothes. But there is no do that never I know. Then was my nose get some blood and I stay so still for maybe them horror feels get bored and go away. The old rabbit was not say much. 

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