Stun Day

So sad is the day after get set on fire. Smoke was all blow away from my ruint shop get burnt but all of everything in it was smell like char sammiches. Me and Jack get the so sad feel from stay around home so we go to the Rot for have a think because there is best for do that. I was not visit my bandstand or my friend the bridge in the so long time was good to have the look at my nice places from when I first became here but also was just cry and cry for Sam. Jack have him hang low dog look too for be sad. 

I am not make my store again. I am maybe not make a sammich for the forever again. Is too much sad for work hard and have nothing when is the end. I wonder why is anybody try do anything when mean world is come burnt it up. Me and Jack are not be sucker for do that again I am swearit. Grammy was say about I swearit when her is make a new decide for she whole life she swearit. I am stay in my undersand house with my aminals and not see no one ever I swearit. Who is want to be around my so sad anyway nobody is who. Is all a wreck now and I am just another broke thing in a wreck. I was even have the think of jump from bridge for die but then I member who is give Jack him bacon so ok not jump. Just cry then. 

My face was hot and hurty from sad so much and my look was blur for the tear of them eye so see around was not good. But I seen in the far away a dot of maybe be a person so I was hold still and say Jack hold still because him get the sniff of somebody then too. For the luck of Sam is maybe someone come kill and make soup of me and Jack. I have a think of I would only make a sad taste soup.

We keep a see of the person was look like a man and him hold a pokey spear too. Him have the look of walk a long way for him slump some when him walk. I have a think of maybe if him is tired then maybe not run so fast for catch and eat Sam. I was know how get away because live here and been in them stink tunnels for hide the so many times. But I was not run hide. I was sit and watch the man walk more near. 

Then when me and Jack just watch the not know him man walk at us I get the so funny feel of be so small in the world. Them hill don't care about the tiny small world of Sam them go on be hills for the long time after I am be dead. Also them water where was I swim sometime and get the itchy is always be the water there and the stink sky too is stay and be here and not give a care of Sam Wyx. I have the think of maybe I am just blow away in some wind because be so small and have nothing for hold on to. 

Jack was sniff and sniff and him have to be the dog so him run ahead at the not know him man and give the little man woof of hey you I see you I am a dog. The man was still in the so far away of my look but him was closer now for see some better. I have a feel about maybe know him walk from seen it before and I try look so hard at the man. 

Then was like the bucket of rocks fall on my head and I seen who was the man. I was so stun feel I just stand and stand and stare for the long time too my feets was feel like stuck in some sand. I was see the man I know and love he so much for a friend and amaze at see him walk at me even if a bug was fly in my mouth then I don't care.

The man walk close closer and then I seen him have a look of me and know is Sam. Him cock head like a dog hear a funny sound and then him take away him face scarf and smile at Sam. I start to cry happy at the see of my friend but I was cry already all day so was maybe not the big deal for cry some more. But if I am have to cry I am want more the happy cry. I tell Jack is ok not bite at him because friend. Then I run jump at him big arms and hug him strong neck and kiss him bald shine head too. I sing at him a so happy song of Marko Marko Marko is here and we laugh. Him say at me hi Peanut you grow so big in just one span of season then him laugh him deep barrel laugh. Marko call me Peanut for a friend name I was even forget about him call me it. 

Was a so stun day that start so sad for the lose of my shop and end so so happy for the find of Marko. Is make me tired for just feel all the things of some days. I was talk and talk at Marko and him say about slow down you talk Peanut I am not go anywhere now we have time for talk slow and that was make me cry again for the happy of hear it. I hold him hand and Jack walk with us and my whole body was fill with warm and glad feel. I look back then I don't know why and seen my friend the bridge I was almost jump off for the die of it and I say at Marko come meet my friend the bridge and pull him hand and we run to my bridge and laugh and Jack bark him happy bark too. 

Then I make Marko be the pony like when was I a brat and play with him like ride a pony. Marko say about Peanut you get so big heavy as almost half a sack of onion and I was laugh. We walk on one side of the bridge then the nother side and Jack march with us like we make a gang. Then I take him hand and we walk to my house and I make Marko a sammich for him be travel so long. Marko was fall sleep on my sofa after eat my sammich him was walk the long long way I guess. I was just stare amaze at him sleep and then I lay down on the floor next to sofa and Jack and Mister Dirty lay with me too so near Marko. Then we sleep so good. 

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