In the night come the big stink sky that come around sometimes I don't know why. Is stay the long time maybe before blow away and is smell like them bitty white worm in somebody dead. Is a so bad stink and Jack was rub him nose for it too. Jack was stay home and I go for the run around look for useful things. Then I seen a something so nice and amaze I stop for have the close see of it.
In the big stink of sky was a so glamour white flower bunch in some sand I am never have the look of it flower before. Them was just grow so good too and all around was so bad stink I laugh at the think of it.
For the long time I stay look and look at them surprise flower. I guess was so nice for me see a pretty in the so empty place where is just some sand and junk. All in the way far of my look was just more nothing and sand then here the nice flower is live she flower life and be glamour in a big stink even. Is make me want then for be a flower and just be the what I am even when is a big nasty world. Then in my think was from Grammy say at me when was I a brat about make a flower rope and she was show me how pinch and sew them flower in a rope. Was the so long ago time for member it but I member good some things.
So I sit in some sand then make a flower rope like Grammy teach me and I was have the feel of be a flower some because sit and smile feel nice about make the silly flower rope. Even in big stink sky is not unpossible for smile at something. Them flower is teach me things I guess.
Then I have the maybe good think of dig them flower and make she new home in the box garden of my house. If she is stay live in the box garden Sam is maybe have so glamour flower for the good feel of it all the times. Also if them flower get kilt Curry will eat they plant body. Him is eat everything so far.
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