I was say about how weird is the place and Ztar say about maybe is a home for some plant people and I tell her about the thing I seen maybe in a bush by where was we stand right then. She say about them is the name of Boatmans but I think she was have the funny say of it because them teeth in she mouth and outside it too. Is funny a plant with the name of Boatman but I guess all of all that is is funny so ok. Ztar then was tell about she go for the long travel but she was not tell about where. Her say about come back in some moons and I was miss her from right then. When Sam was just become here and not member and even not know anything was my friend Ztar help and tell me smart good things about here. Also we have the so fun play with fire and wear them tires around too.
Then was the so amaze thing Ztar was tell about a smoothskin man she seen at a so far trader camp a moon ago. She say about him a big one and him skin so dark like she leather hat and also him was have the cross on him face like Sam has a cross face too. I tell about maybe some other slaves from Honcho Uno was get away from get kilt there but also is maybe that him is my friend Marko but I don't know. I was so excite for maybe Marko be alive and also have the sad feel for Ztar go away for a while. I am have so much feel inside sometimes is make me crazy.
Ztar say about the dark smoothskin tell her maybe him was go see him friend and was say the name of Apo. Ztar was stay quiet about she know Apo for maybe the man say something but all him say was Apo say give him a job and maybe and him was need a job. So maybe if is really Marko him is come around then Sam is see him again. I hug Ztar for the goodbye maybe mutant is not do that but smoothskin do that so ok. Then she walk into them hills and I watch for the long time and wave. Then she was walk out of my look and I run and skip home for so excited about maybe Marko. Him was save my whole be alive and Grammy too. Maybe Marko is even know about where is my Grammy. I am so excite Jack is look at me funny and wiggle him tail.
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