Inside Mister Dirty

The first do thing I was do when I have Mister Dirty in my house is take him head off. Is have the funny sound I know it but is ok I take him head off so many times he is just laugh now about it. The why of take him head off is I hide small things inside Mister Dirty for have them always nobody ever take them. Them was the only things belong to just Sam was all I have then. Is just nothing things I keep in him hay body like spool from some twine Grammy give to me like award for grease the pan best of everyone. Also was a nail I take out of the big wall around fort of Honcho Uno for bend some them metal back for have the peek of outside. Also was keep inside a tiny turtle shell Marko bring for me one time and in I member I put a green leaf and wrap with some string. Inside now was a brown leaf but was mostly not broke after the so much time I am so amaze at it. Also was my tiny bone I save from the chicken was so good Grammy make it I was help too and also some wires was the first thing Marko bring from the outside for me see it. I decide for give them special wires to Apo for help me find Marko again. Also in him body was a bitty rock of so pretty color and a sharktooth candy but was squish and maybe is make somebody sick now so I am not eat it just save it inside Mister Dirty. 

After I put him head back we walk around my undersand house and be old friends together. Even for make a lunch Mister Dirty was sit with me be my friend all the times. I was tell about make my sammiches and my store of BUY IT GOOD too. There is so much for tell him about I was just talk and talk. I was tell about how there is moss from Bloodmoss Boggy Place but the place is no more go there for get the Rust Mouth so I tell about Rust Mouth too and also Bryan and Freya I wisht them is have a look of Mister Dirty. I was try too tell about what is the meat in lunch but I was not know what say about it because I don't know what is it. 

We sit for the long time at my desk where I am make my spells on pages like this here and I was tell Mister Dirty about all them things so many things like how shoot a buzzard and eat him legs so good and about when I was find the big rattler teeths just lay there in some sand like jewel. Also I talk and talk about the Key for unlock the old mutant cave and also tell about so many more things like make the soup and how ghoul is mostly bad but mamimal and mutant are maybe friends if they are not eat you first. Mister Dirty was just listen about everything was in my say at him and him was smile at me too. I try for make the new eye on him but it was not last so long time I guess. 

Then I take Mister Dirty to my tower for watch the sky and sun and moon from there is so glamour sky in Fissure. I show at him every part of Great Fissure like where was I find my goat Curry on the cliff and also the big round place where is the shop of Jay and also where is the Masheen for make them things. I was say and say and then have a think about there is a lot was happen in just one turn of seasons is make my brain spin some. 

We talk until was get dark time and Mister Dirty was not cold and I was not cold so we stay on the tower and talk and talk. I show him where was Cormac and tell about the place where was Loonella and Lajka got kilt and got bury too. And I say about the day I get so the most ever anger feel and just walk out and put my machete in the neck of Ozgram ghoul for kill him dead. Mister dirty get the worry look so I say about I still am not like the hurt of things but Ozgram was kill them girls and somebody was need to stop him mean on the world so it was Sam. I was honest and say about be a killer now but Mister Dirty was understand. Mister Dirty is always understand me. 

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