Today was the so funny green sky again is smell like old fish too I don't know why and so still quiet. I am sharpen my machete every morning now incase ghoul but they are not come to kill me yet so ok. I was not want to run today around for useful things so I go to my yard and make the fire and watch Curry kick at things he is so cross. I was sit at the fire and think on how I kilt the ghoul Ozgram I have it in my mind so much. I was try to think of make my house or sing a song to make me not think that I'm cold blood killer now but is hard to forget. So I was watch the fire and say the hopscotch words Grammy tell me over and over. Nobody was in my look all around just Sam and Curry. I was funny feel all alone in the stillness. Even Curry lay down and not bah. I was try to hold my breathe so to hear a total silent but I was hear my heart thump so I guess there is no total silent. Unless you are ghoul and dead already I guess. I wisht my scramblehead was still like the sky today.
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