Today again was wait and wait. I catch a nice fat rat in my yard so I was make the soup today. In it was some buzzard leg and green fungus for the nice taste. When I was think it is ready to eat I seen my little friend Kendo outside and I say Kendo are you want some soup from the rat I get and he say yes Sam and thank you. I like Kendo he is one of the nice people I know. Grammy is call nice boys a keeper but I don't know what is the mean of a keeper. Kendo was hungry and eat three bowls of the soup it make me glad too. We were talk and talk because friends and Sam was glad not to be think of the wait and wait for a while. I did not tell Kendo about my worry and ready to go to war about I don't know what because Grammy say don't have guests and make them feel uncomfortable. Kendo was look at some books I found and he was say about him not read at all and I said that is ok lots of folks are not read and write. Then Kendo say about how he is good with numbers and Sam is so bad at the numbers I just get the confuse and don't know it. So I say Kendo I will trade you teach me numbers and I teach you read and he say ok Sam that is sound good. Kendo is the so nice and cute too I think.

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