Poor mister Digger whole camp wrecked by the ghouls that come fight at us the day Lajka and Ozgram die. It was make me sad to have the look of the broken everywhere and member the time I become cold blood killer. I was wonder where Digger gone too.

Then I go have the look of Lajka and Lonella under the big spooner where Digger live but maybe not now. I was get cross again at the hurt and kill that was done I almost run and yell. But they were still so I was still too and quiet like a mouse. I was think a long time at the rocks and wonder how is to be dead.

I look around and nobody was see me so I lay down on some sand by Lajka and Loonella and I try to get the feel of be dead. I was think about never get up again never play hopscotch never find Grammy and all the never again of dead. I was sad of the two girls dead and some glad for Ozgram dead but they are all the same dead now. I was get sand bug in my nose so I sit up and stop play dead.

So I just sit with dead girls under rocks under the spooner and try to think how it means. I never even see Lonella and only was I with Lajka a few days and some of the time she was crazy want to kill me. So why I wonder is they be dead make any difference to Sam. I think when I see some horrible it is make me feel like horrible happen to me too. When the hurt of things is then Sam is hurt with it. Like a big mutant Lajka say trapped in a cage. I am feel sad with the think of mutant lock in a cage and Lajka say mutant should get free. I wisht I could get the mutant free. Only need is the impossible things of get the Mutant Witch to give up stones her like so much and also need is the key that nobody has now. So then I just stare at rocks and feel like stuck in mud.

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