I was run in the Rot when I seen my friend Tsu who live in Rot like Sam used to like nomad. I was run to tell her the get better for me but she was serious in the look and I say what is wrong Tsu. Flit was there too and they tell me they are look on blood trail for where it goes. I seen some blood and it give me the fear. We follow the blood because Tsu is good at find track on the ground and it go to the bridge. My friend bridge was so good to see again the sick keep me away so long from it. I was glad a little time only.

Tsu say some trail is over the edge on the bridge so I know the place things land when they go over the bridge there so I was crawl down to make the look. I seen blood and then I seen the shape of a person in the blood and it was a girl. I yell for to come help me with the blood girl and then I see who is the girl it is Lajka. Then I see she is not so dead as she look and I get close to her face. She had a wrap on her eyes that is the so blood it make me hurt to think of it because she only had the one eye before.

Then we all look at the girl and were wonder what to do. Apo was hear us shout and come over too so we all try to help her and ask who made the hurt of you Lajka but she was hurt and crazy talk still.

We hear Lajka like dream talk say take me to Digger and we think it mean mister Digger who has the trade camp. So Flit get her rope and she dangle it from up the bridge and we somehow get the bloody girl up the rope to the bridge.

Then Flit was run with Lajka in her arms I never seen so strong a girl as Flit before. Apo and Tsu and me were look out for trouble and we all run together to the camp of mister Digger. I was get out my machete for the just in case but I was never try to use it before even run with it is make me worry.

We get then to see Digger and put her down she is close dead we say and she want to see you so here we bring her for you talk to her. Digger was still the so sick and I was stay back from him but also worry about Lajka. Even though she is crazy girl I was have fun with her laughing sometimes and I don't like the hurt of anything.

Mister Digger was put her in a bed and we try to talk and tell that she will be ok and what happened. She tell that Ozgram catch her and give her the hurt so bad because he want to know about stupid key and lock again. Only ever is trouble about key and lock. Ozgram hurt her all over and poke out her only eye. I never even heard about so much mean before.

We leave mister Digger to wrap the hurt of her. I was watch from outside the house of Digger but he say his house is name a spooner. I think it was the name of that. I was listen and hear Lajka say she is want to see her friend Loonella. From where I was stand in the yard of Digger I could see the rocks pile up where Loonella was dead underneath. Lajka was close to what she wanted but couldn't see but Sam could see it.

Late in the night Digger come and say Sam Lajka was ask for you go in and talk so I go in. She was so hurt it was make me sad to see it. Mostly was the sleep but she move sometimes and look like wake up but not do it. She was whisper talk about crazy things too but I pet her head and tell about it is ok for her now but is maybe a lie I tell her because the true is make me cry.

I was look at her a long time in the night. I seen how she was hurt and how much again and again she was hurt. The mean of it was like the fall in so cold water. How did someone get so mean to do it I don't know.

I was think of the rats in my house and how I don't like the hurt of any things but the rats would eat me if they could so I eat them and is ok to hurt then. But I don't like to but I do it. But Lajka was the so hurt in a way that I seen how Ozgram was enjoy the hurt of her because he like it. I was think that hurt of a girl is like make you a rat.

She was get so still. Sometimes it was hard to get the look of her breathe. I was sit there and cry some about the sad and the mean of it. And if she is die from it then Ozgram is a cold blood killer and Grammy say that is the worst kind.

Then I hear a fuss outside and look and see how ghouls are come to attack the spooner and with them is Ozgram too. There is the big fight around the spooner and it was ghouls from Black Market where Sam get the trouble when I go always so I stay away. Ghoul is attack the spooner and say kill Lajka kill Lajka so I stand by her and poke at the ghoul if they get close. Tsu was help protect with me too and we fight good I think. When the fight was go on all around me I hear Lajka say Sam I am ready. Then I was watch her and she die just there. I was stare at her some then I was cry so hard my head was explode like a bad crate. And then something new was happen I did not know before. It was a hot feel and I grit my teeth.

After the cry I was so still and empty in my brain. I was like watch someone else but it was me and I got up with my machete and I walk slow out and down the spooner ramp. I was look at the big fight but I was only want to see one thing that was Ozgram. Then I see him and he was look the other way and I guess I only watch him from then on. I was walk like a quiet breeze in the hot day and like I float over to Ozgram. He was look the other way and I was quiet like a mouse and get closer. Then I was so near to him and was think about how he is the one who make all the hurt that kill Lajka and how some rats taste more good than others I don't know why.

And when I was done with the think of that I look and see my machete swing so hard and fast it chop Ozgram in the neck and cut him so bad he fall down and loud complain. I was yell and kill him in the back again. I spit on him then and yell at him that is for Lajka.

He was near dead but he talk for a while and mister Digger and Apo ask him the so smart questions but I don't know what it means. I was stand and watch him incase he live so I could kill him again. But then he was slow and then he was slump over and after that he was no more mean to nobody.

The ghouls were chase away after I make Ozgram stop being mean forever. Digger say he will put Lajka with Loonella under the rocks under the spooner just like she want to be with her so I was glad of that only. I was feel so sad and then wonder what horrible thing is next. But it was quiet and we all talk some but then everybody drift away slow. I walk home with the funny feel of I don't know inside. I was think about what just happened today and then I member that I never killt nobody ever but now I just did. I was wonder how life will be now because I am the cold blood killer Sam.
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