The burn of girls was the so hard day I was not sure what I am do the next day so I walk around and have a smoke. I seen buzzard and was think about shoot at him because Sam is cold blood killer now so shoot things is what them do. Digger say I am not cold blood because my blood get hot when I kilt Ozgram ghoul. Is the nice thing to say at Sam. For my walk I go to the yard with the so pretty big undersand room and good hide places. I was crawl around the funny metal rooms and I see a kitty I was so glad of it. He was see me with the big fear eyes but I was say kitty kitty Sam is ok your friend nice kitty like that so he was stay and lick him paw. Kitty was the sweet face and I wisht I could take him for the pet in my house. I was think about pet him smooth back and feel him soft fur on my lip. Unless kitty has the bug that itch then no thank you go away kitty. I was stand away for the just in case.
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