Some Rains

I have the hear of so big storm is come make so much rains fall. Them flash of sky light and boom of they thunders is make me feel inside funny like have a fear but also be excite about it I don't know why. I have a think then about I am do nothing about the rain is just do what is it do and fall on Sam. What am I do about stop the rain nothing is what. I stick my tongue out for catch them sky drops but the taste was like burns some. Then I walk out to where is the rain and stand under them sky drops and put my arms out too and face up. I was have the feel of get clean even in them smoke taste drops like the fear is wash away and my stomach is let go them knots. I stand and stand in the rain with the glad feel of it then go have hopscotch in them rains too. Jack was look at me like Sam got crazy in she brains. I guess is true some Jack is the so smart dog. 

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