Get Out Some

I am wake up so sad feel for the big wind blow away my whole everything on above ground of my house. I guess is better than the wreck of my so good kitchen or my undersand house get ruint so ok. But I am miss some things like my windchime was make good tink sounds in them winds. I am still anger feel at them winds for take my stuff though. 

I was think about make a shed for cover the door of my undersand house so keep all them ghoul out mostly except friend ghoul I guess. Marko then come see all the nothing left of my place and him help make a shed is strong. Marko is the so strong man big like some tree and make them giant rocks move with him big leaver stick. I am not know what is the mean of leaver stick it was stay right there help him lift them rocks so I don't know why is leaver. Marko is the so nice man for help Sam always when I am need some help. We have a talk about things go on too and I was feel like get out from my house so me and Marko walk to where is the house of Marko and Kaya and Nick in the Slow. So many words are sound funny in my hear like Slow is not even seem like a place but my friends live there so ok. Marko was laugh him deep laugh say about we all is Slow Children at Play. I was not know the mean of him say it but him laugh sound is make me feel some ok feel I was need it then too. Then Marko was run for get him tiny geetar and play him song for me I was clap and listen. I was not even know about Marko play songs the times of we be slaves is never him get a tiny geetar. Marko make a nice face when him play too. Him new beard is look scruffy though. Grammy was say about show me the man in him beard and I am show you what was him have for lunch.

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