Dream Of Kaya Ghoul

I am so fear of my dream.

My dream was be under them waters but have air ok for breathe it I don't know why. I have the far away look of my own self stand in some old ship bones was sink there I guess. I have the look around for a body of mean dead Mister Callow but him was not float around there. Also was no fishes in them waters was so alone feel. 

Then was I look in front of me was the nother girl stand there in some waters too. She skin was sick dead look and she mouth was rot and I know true she be ghoul. I get the feel of run away but just stand and look then I seen who was the ghoul from she face it was my friend Kaya. 

I say Kaya why are you in some water and be ghoul is you feel ok or die sometime when I was not know it and Kaya ghoul just look at something was not me. Like she was have the long think of something and forget the talk to Sam. 

I have the look of she skin was spots of sick and yellow on she body every wheres. She was hunch some like carry the heavy things but she face was look empty like no feel inside she heart. I say Kaya are you feel ok you look maybe you got some ghoul now and Kaya just stand look at something was not me.

Then she move she hand but still was not look or say at me. She hand was come up slow like lift the heavy bucket from a well and she slow put she hand above she head and hold it in the air water. Then was fast bring down she flat hand on she nother wrist and chop at the meat of she own self. She was not say about nothing but I have a know then she chop she hand off like Flit ghoul. 

And she rot mouth was them same rots of Ozgram ghoul. Kaya was be all them ghoul together. She far away eyes look still at something was not me and she chop off hand float away in them waters was no blood for she be dead. 

I was only stand there have the sad feel about my nother friend be dead and ghoul now. Maybe all my friends turn ghoul now and Sam only left is the so alone girl alive in the entire world. I have a wonder about is Jack ghoul now too. Maybe is Curry and Honeypie aminal ghoul I am not even have the surprise feel about it if is true.

Then I was so jump at the sound of Kaya have a say at Sam. She was whisper it too like only in the world am I hear she say it. I was feel cold at them words and I member my skin hairs was poke up with them scare bumps too. She dead eyes was look at Sam then and she dead mouth was not much move even for she say it. She whisper ask Sam you are not look like you are feel so good is you sick or dead maybe. Then I look down at my hand and I seen where my fingers on they ends was yellow and sick spots start on my hand and arm too. Then I feel the so pain in my wrist like someone cut my hand off. Then I scream wake up in my sweat and shake from all the fear of it. I am try for stay awake forever all my dreams be too much make me crazy now.

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