In night time was the so wind I have the hear of it so hard blow and blow. I take Curry goat to where is the big barn for him be safe then me and Jack and Honeypie too all go down to my undersand place for get out them winds. All night was it blow and too was big crack boom sounds give me the fear.
So much sand fall down my door on my kitchen is take forever scoop it out. Then was I hear rumble like earthshake and Jack was bark him worry bark up the ladder. I get the so fear my legs shake like cold but was not cold. I have the worry of my friends be in them so winds maybe blow them down in Fissure.
When was early morning I have the hear of them winds go away some and I climb up my ladder for have a look. But was nothing only to see. In them so winds was blow away all my yard and things like was they never there. I was walk around my so good yard yesterday then today is just some sand there.
When was the fire of mean Dan Seawwconds burnt my house still was them metal boxes I make my first house of so I was make the new house from them old parts. But them old parts was blow away now too. I have a think of maybe is a so bad dream but I pinch my own arm for test it I was not dream it.
I have a think of all them lost things in the place above my undersand house like the good barrel for burn things and my nice windchime of wood too. My so funny poster of Hang In There Baby is blow away and even them big walls where was folks put they own write on it. How even is a so big wall blow away in some wind I just am not know.
I have the think of why. I am try be good and make good soup for feed my friends and my aminals all eat good and be my friends too. I am try for be always nice and help folks around. I am try for do no bad things but still is all my place blow away like I dream it all inside my scramblehead. I get the feel of shake then in my body and tight feel in the all of my own self.
I seen where was across Fissure them big tower and some them house of folks there too and theys all was not broke or gone from them big wind. Just was the place of Sam got blow away and all gone. Why is Sam always the one get burnt and wrecked and blow away I don't know. Is give me the feel of be dumb for not know the why of it. The think of it was make a facebomb explode and I so hard cry about it. Is hurt my face always them facebomb give me the feel of need go hide but now is nowhere a place for hide in it just some sand.

When was my place get wrecked before everybody say about Sam you make a house again is just the way life is hard so oh well. And I was build a place again and work so hard on it. Then was it get burnt and broke too. Then I work for make the so good place again and something come wreck it again. Is like every day I am push the big rock up some hill push it push it all day for get on the hilltop but almost there is then my rock slip fall back on me squish me flat again.
Then my cry was stop and my face get hard like some metal was in it. I have the look at that sky where them winds live and maybe them clouds is work with mean wind too I don't know. I get the so anger feel at all the whole sky and spit for the mad of it all. I am anger of waste my time and feel the sad of lose every thing again then again then again. I was know then nobody is wreck the place of Sam no more ever.

I get so anger at them sky and wind my mad come out my face like hot from some fire and make so tight my fist I cut both of hands by my own fingernails. I shake my fist at them sky and wind then so scream at they unvisible mean. I yell too about Sam is still here why are you not blow me away too with all my stuff. I yell at mean sky like it was be scared of get me I was dare wind come get me too. I yell tell the sky and wind about Sam is not play you dumb game no more. All I am do now is nothing because nobody is never take nothing away. My yell so loud at them sky make all day my talk sound like scratchy broken. I was have so many feels at one times I just sit in some sand and have the think of nothing is all I have.