I walk to him close and he sniff at my hand then lick my face too. I wiggle the wires so gentle for not hurt more the doggie and I make him free. He was happy doggie then and roll around and jump and bark I was so laugh at him and pet him belly too. Him was filthy dog and smell like ears and fried corn.

I clean him little hurt leg with water and give him a drink from my hand too. Then doggie is put him little paw on me like say thank you so I say you are welcome doggie and give him skritches.

Then I say goodbye doggie be careful the wire trap and I walk to back home but in my look back doggie is follow me. He was follow all the way to my house but stay back a little like secret follow but him was not a secret so I don't know. At my house I was play with him again he is so funny and put him paw out for Sam like nice to meet you.

When I go inside my house to find a dog snack he was follow me right inside and curl up under my hammock for the nap. He was tired I guess because him sleep and sleep there. I have the look of him sleepy face and watch him legs wiggle like run in dreams. I hope doggie is stay with Sam now for the have a friend. I will call him Jack.
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