I was walk and walk for the so long time. I had three flatbreads for eat on the walk so I eat one and watch a buzzard I wisht I had my pipe rifle because then dinner. I keep walk and walk then and I guess I walk to a place I don't know where. The sky was blur and so fog too and when I climb a hill I was so amaze at my look. I seen a whole city so dark and empty with so tall houses and make from stone. Also was a smell like maybe something was dead a long time. I decide to come back for poke around because time to get home now but I like the dark city I wonder why I never seen it already.

The walk back had the feel of twice the walk to get there. Almost at my house I seen a man all cut and white skin. I had my machete tight when he come by me and say I am hungry are you trade me food. I was have the sorry feel so I take his tape and trade him my other flatbreads. We were talk and he say about him is a ghoul and new at being dead and also how he is want to eat meat. I say ok goodbye then because Sam is made of meat and I run back to my house but stop at the far end of Fissure for rest. When I was get to my house I seen hungry ghoul man again he was look inside the log by my front door.

I was say at him don't eat that leg in the log because is poison meat and is truth too because some man was put it there one night and have crazy in him eyes. He tell me the poison meat is for the monster but he run away and not tell me what monster. Hungry was still try to reach at the poison meat so I ask are you want a bowl of rat soup I catch them here myself so very fresh. He was look shy at me and say ok so I say ok and we walk to my house.

Hungry tell about his name is Haw Style and I am think it is the so funny name but I don't say it. Haw then eat my soup and the nother bowl too. He was tell about he miss him life and I have the so sad feel for him. I was sad about my life at sun come up and now sun overhead and I am talk to a man who has the sad feel about him be dead. I guess sad is on everybody sometimes.

Then Haw was say about Sam is nice at him but everybody else was throw rocks and swing stick at him. I can tell Haw is the very complicated man and I say I like to meet everyone who is not want to hurt me and I have a friend who is ghoulcat even. Then I was dumb Sam and didn't shut my mouth and say I also kilt a ghoul in the neck once. I was so shame feel then and sorry for say it and we both were look around at something. It was the so awkward feel.

But then I member the fun Lajka and Sam had and she was so messed up too so I say do you like hopscotch and Haw was not even know about it. I show him how the toss and hop in boxes and about the rules and I think he was forget him be dead for the time we were play it. After he was get shy again and say about time to go so I say ok and come back for soup again I like to make it for my friends. It was so good soup too I had the glad feel for sun go down.
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