Marko was the good man that help me and Grammy get away from when The Fort was sacked. He is bald big man and Grammy say him is swarthy it mean him dark skin. Marko was the soldier for Honcho Uno and protect The Fort from mean things outside the big wall. He had the cross on him face of belong to Honcho Uno but he was not belong anymore like Grammy and me so I guess he got free sometime I don't know how. I member he had a nice big laugh is sound like from a barrel in him chest. He was laugh and laugh sometimes and was can't stop then he was ha ha ha so hard the bench was shake with me on it. And I was not even sit on the same bench Marko was sit on. Also he was have a smoke sometimes and I like the smell but Marko say at me Sammy don't ever you smoke like this it is not for pretty girls. I am not make up his say it was pretty girls he said I member it so good. But also was he tell about him was born in a so far away place across a dry sea of salt so maybe he was make up pretend time stories at me.

I guess I am spell about Marko now because the dream I had in my sleep. I had the look of cold sand hills and in the far away is the big water and sun go down. I have the listen of crickets and also a dog bark but I never seen the doggie. I did see a man in dark everything he was look at sun go down. He was hold the big poker stick so I was stay away but then I seen him was the face of Marko. I yell at him Marko it is Sam I am the so glad you are live. He turn around and hold him finger to him lips like be quiet and then turn for watch sun go down some more. I was wait and wait but then I don't know it made me cross I guess so I yell again at Marko and he give the same hush finger. That is all the dream I had. Except once when I was try to get attention of Marko I toss a little rock near him feet he turn around but only glare at me. Marko is nicer when I was know him then than he is in my dream. I wisht he was here to talk at some Brutes.
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