Today I was again the so sick. I wisht Rust Mouth would go home like somebody spell on my wall. I was think the sun is good for my sick today so I climb to my tower and have the look at Fissure. Also I was think of the sun and maybe if there was no sun everything here would be froze and how good the sun feel on me. Sometimes there is the too burn and red and peel happens then but with my shade I can get the glad feel from the sun.

I was stay on my tower all day and think of the sun and so when it was go away time for the sun I decide to say goodbye to be nice because of the nice it has for me. I member Grammy say when she memitate is like a pray and so I change to soft clothes and memitate for the sun. I say goodbye and please come back. Maybe it is crazy Sam but is the feel good so ok.

Then I was think about fair and feel left out so I stay on my tower and say hullo to the moon. Moon is also good because if no moon the so dark would give me the fear. So good moon is thank from Sam. I even thank the stars for twinkle I don’t know why.
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