I run and find mister Digger who has the trader camp and who is the so smart everyone say. I tell Digger who is right now in my undersand place and he say maybe we talk to her and make the sense of it. I say Digger you should come to my house when sun is go away and I will let you in. He said ok Sam thanks for find me and I like mister Digger because he is the so smart and nice to Sam too.
I do the sneak back in the undersand place and Lajka was still sleep so I eat some bread and watch her funny sleep twitch. Then she wake up and say Sam we need too find the key and let the big mutant out of the cage with the crate in it so everything can come live in the house of mine and me be the big mutant new mother. I was think about how she say big mutant is prisoner in a cage and Sam was prisoner in a box it was a bad time and nobody should be the hurt like that even mutant. So I say we can find the key but where and she say follow me.

We run and run and she seem not worry about anybody she was hide from before. She take me to the place call Junkyard and Sam knows it from being chase by ghoul when I first became here. Lajka say Sam you go in Junkyard and ask for key and because of the nice Sam they will give it to you. I was tell her no because I was almost kilt and I never go back to the not safe place but Lajka was tell me go ask for key. Then I seen KittyKat who is mamimal ghoul who show Sam about fights once but I was not good at fights.
Kitty and Lajka and Sam stand and talk talk and crazy girl tell me to draw my steel and kill the ghoul. I say no Lajka I don’t like the hurt of things and she say Sam you are a sleep and Sam you are a slave. Then she was get the mean eye again like before and I was get the fear again from her yell and mean look. So I change my mind about the crazy girl Lajka. I guess if person is part nice and part mean it is hard to be the friend of them.
Then the so funny thing was when Lajka was mean talk and then turn around and walk away from us. I was watch her go and go and not move because surprise and Kitty was surprise too. Sam and Kitty talk some about all the things are happen and why and how maybe Lajka is danger girl to be around. So many funny things she talk about I wisht I know what is the mean of it but I guess she go away now so ok I never find out.

I go home after and make fire for soup. I was catch the rat for soup when I seen a tiny mouse by the wall. He was get old but he was a good mouse so I call him Gerald I don’t know why. Not enough to eat on a mouse so Gerald can stay I guess. I like the furry so small face too and feet for hands. I think Gerald is more friend to Sam than a crazy girl.

Then Digger come like he say and Tsu and Apo also come and we sit in my undersand place and talk about what is happen. My head is so hurt from try to think what it means. When we know a thing it means we don't know two things. I just want to eat candy and go sleep.
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