Today I was stay at home again. So much the sick has made everything bad I don’t even run around and look for the cure plants. Just cough and sleep. But later came over my friend mutant Ztar who hold a torch and she say Sam I like your house and I say thank you for when she gave me some scrap woods sometimes for the make of my house. Then I say what is a torch about it is the day and Ztar just laugh with a funny laugh that give me the think she has lots more teeth than Sam. Ztar then go to the open place and she hold the torch to her face like kissy kiss but instead of kiss she shoot the fire out from her mouth. I was so amaze I say Ztar do again do again and so she do again. I was laugh and clap so much. Ztar was look glad of it too.

Then Ztar was time to go and I say thank you for the fire show and she say Sam you should come visit my tribe sometime and I said I like that too. Ztar is the so nice. After then the sun was go down and I was walk by the dusty place next to the house of mine. I seen where someone make words on the wall but they got the spell wrong and Sam knows it too. It say on the wall RUST MOUF GO HOME and I guess it was mean MOUTH but they had spell funny. I was wonder then about the mean of it too because it is close to Sam’s house and I am the so sick maybe the write is tell Sam to go home. But then I was think that because it was write on the outside wall the words are for people who walk by and not at Sam. I hope the mean is that because the other thing would be a mean write at Sam. I member when something funny or gave the fear happens Grammy would say it is just spice in the soup and so that’s what I thought too it was just spice in the soup. I guess spice is mean help to not so much worry but I don’t know.

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