Nick Say About Him

So stink sky is back today look like thick brown air I bet is come here with Mr. Callow. Marko was need to go out for check at N for Apo and tell her watch out about the so mean man here now. Marko push me outside say about Peanut you are not live in the fear so him make me sit on my tower with pistol load up with them slugs for shoot at Mr. Callow if ever is him in my look. Nick was run by and climb my tower for say hello so I say hello Nick and him say hello Sam.

Nick was ask Sam are you been cry you face is puff red and I say yes Nick the so bad news of a mean man be here now is give me the fear. Nick get serious look in him face and say Sam I know Marko was tell me I am so sorry at you and I say thank you Nick.

Is hard to know what is the next say sometimes I guess there is so much says in my head none get out of my mouth. So much is happen I just whisper at Nick I am feel like just hang on from my fingernails is what Grammy used to say. Nick say is sound like hurt you hands and I laugh some. Then Nick and me were just be there quiet and cross arms at each other and then Nick say about well I am go look for Harvey. 

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