Nice Think Of It

I am too think so much for go asleep now so I decide about sit on my tower for the look of Fissure with a moon so big. I am not even know what is the moon or never been there neither but when I have the look of she white face and when she is move in my see across them sky is make the glad feel inside like special friend. Her seem so far too but if I lay down so not see nothing in my side look then moon is seem so close for almost kiss she pale face. I am not even know what is the moon but still I am want kiss at it I don't know why. I am not know the mean of my own think and say even myself sometimes.

I guess am wonder what come next from the so many things go on now I don't know. When I was first become here with dirt in my mouth and empty for my head I was think even just survive is too hard but then I done that. Also then was seem unpossible for Sam build a house but I done it too and even I kilt the mean Ozgram ghoul and I was never think Sam was ever kilt nothing but I done it. Even too I was never ever in forever think of Marko come back for be my so good friend again but him just like walk from out my dream and say hi Sam and I say hi Marko. I am amaze for just stand here smile in she white light for some whiles but I am wonder too how far is she sweet moon face anyways. 

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