After get home from seen Kaya I seen Marko was gone again. I am surprise we was not pass on him way go back to Kaya house. I was try make nice my house again it get all junk piles sometimes but then was a clunk in my behind hear and I turn for seen a shape at my ladder jump down so I fast point my gun and yell at it I am shoot you stop you climb down. But the shape then was just Nick so I say hi Nick and Nick say hi Sam thanks for not shoot me. We sit on my couch and not much look at each other but I say about the so sad feel for Kaya get hurt and Nick say Sam I am tell you a story make you feel not so much sad after is tell it to you so I say ok Nick and Nick say ok too.

Then was Nick start the tell of how so mean Mr. Callow was get got by just Nick. Him say about was out look for them clues for I don't know what but was in Kronbelt in them dunes go so far. Then some dune was tall so Nick walk around it and sudden in him look was Mr. Callow with him big gun. Mr. Callow say him member Nick and was funny find him here and Nick say yeah funny like make fun of Mr. Callow talk at him.
Nick was not tell me them ways of how fight Mr. Callow I think is the man thing about not tell girls them gross things for they be upset of it. I would not be upset for Nick tell me stuff but ok. Nick say after him beat the mean man Nick drag him ugly body all the way to Cape say about make sure him hit all them sharp rocks too.
Nick say about Harvey have a cage under him Bar for keep bad folks and them was sure Mr. Callow was that so him go in the cage and lock it. Nick say maybe Mr. Callow somehow get some bloody when was they get there but not say about the how of it.
Harvey was ask at Mr. Callow all him questions for find him good cargo was get took by them killers of caravan men. Mr. Callow was only hiss at they face and say about them regret it and them be kilt by sun go down. Harvey was laugh and Nick was laugh too but then too was Mr. Callow laugh and it was the so ugly sound them all stop they laugh then.
Then was they ask about Kaya be gone then two days and she house all mess up and a dead man was there too. I know now was Kaya kill him thug friend in a fight but Mr. Callow hit she head and take she body to Rot for hurt her more but them was not know about that yet so ask where is Kaya where is Kaya. Him was not say because so bad man.
Mr. Callow always was talk like butter on a knife sound of warm good like help you maybe but then so fast stab him sharp talk when you blink and not even know. Nick say about Mr. Callow laugh him cold mean laugh a lot and say Nick make him biggest mistake in him life. But never was say about where was Kaya. Nick tell at me Sam we try all the trys but Mr. Callow was keep him ugly yap shut about where is Kaya. Nick is have some so funny says sometimes. Then Nick have him serious face say is only one thing will make him mouth talk and Nick show him pistol at Mr. Callow. I was get the so excite feel just listen at the say of it.

Harvey tell Nick make this piece of nasty talk and him walk away. Then Nick tell the so amaze thing of Mr. Callow try for make Nick open the gate let him go and give him treasure for do it. Then even him say about Nick come work for me and make you the big man around with him connections. I am not know the mean of him connections but even from sit on my couch I know it was the big stink lie.
Nick was talk low soft like somebody was sleep there and say Mr. Callow I am shoot you leg you walk all bent for you whole life then too it is hurt a lot. Mr. Callow was stare and stare at Nick and say open the gate Nick is easy thing for do it.
Nick say Mr. Callow was just look at Nick and him gun and still not say about where is Kaya. Then he so mean man look at Nick and say about you girlfriend is not be very much for look at no more after him get at her and so was the only one thing to do about it and Nick shoot him knee off. I was clap at Nick and yell thank you too.
But Nick was serious face still say about after him knee got shot Mr. Callow never scream or cry about the pain of it. Him sit in him own bloods and Nick say about him breathe was like the run around dog so fast and deep and two times say a tiny ah sound but that was all.
Nick say then Sam I done what was say I do for you and get the bad man so you are not need have the fear of him no more. Nick say about Harvey and Marko have a chat with Mr. Callow tomorrow when him wake up and him smile. Nick smile at me is the so nice feel I was put my hand for cover my cheek.
People are tease some at Nick about him be unsmart they say at him you not have all you tools in you toolshed. I think Nick is the so brave and good in a fight too for beat Mr. Callow by just him own self is amaze. Him was not say it in him talk but I have a think about Nick was go get Mr. Callow for just me feel better. I am think Nick is got all him tools in him toolshed. I am think Nick is have the so nice shed too.