Maybe Last Spell of Sam

Today is it happen. I was think about if I get kilt today who will know about Sam. I think all what I am spell here is maybe the good way to know what is Sam about. But then I was think if someone was find this pages and read it they would not get to know the everything of it because I was keep a secret even from here. So for the just in case I die today I am tell the secret now. It is the funny feel to even spell it this far.

It was start when I visit dead girls before we burn them when they are under rocks under the spooner where is Digger live. I was talk to them girls body and Digger was find me and say hi Sam and I say hi Digger. He was look at Sam in the so funny way I was wonder what him is think about. Then Digger say Sam follow me so I follow him.

We walk up the spooner ramp and in to where he live it is nice but maybe too open for Sam. We are stand there a while and I seen Digger was look up but maybe he was just think about something I don't know. But then I was look up too and seen a something on rope in the very top of him house.

Digger was ask Sam then do you know what is hang there and I say no because I don't know. Then he get him knife and cut a rope that hold the thing and he catch it and show me it is a box. Digger is ask do you know what is in the box and I say I don't know because how can I know what is in the box I never seen. Then Digger say I put it up high but so you can see it for the just in case ghoul come look in my house for it.

Then Digger was open the box and inside was a big nail all rust and crumble. I was so confuse about the hide of nail I say Digger why are you do it and him laugh but try to stay quiet and say Sam follow me so I follow him.

He walk to a pit where is the sinky sand and Sam was almost kilt one time there when I first became here. I was stay away but Digger was go close to the danger edge and he grab a rope that goes to under sand. He pull and pull and it come out another box like hang in the spooner for ghoul. I was so confuse and Digger say Sam do you know what is in the box and still I don't know because how. But then I was think on before and say is it a nail and Digger was laugh again. He make a nice smile and rattle him box near him ear it was rattle a lot. I was ask Digger why are you hide so many nails and Digger say open the box Sam and hand it to me.

Digger was tell about Sam I am have a think about it and decide for it go to you. I still was not know but then I open the box and inside was not the nother nail but instead was a key. Why am I have a key Digger I say and him say because ghoul is think I have it and so I can't have it. I was try so hard to know the mean of his say but my head was scramble. Why is ghoul want old key I say and Digger say back is not just a key is THE key and he say like that with THE very important. And then I was know the mean of it and I almost yell and drop the key in the sinky sand I was so amaze. I had the big eyes and ask him you are want Sam to have THE key that is for Moy Moy and it was for the want of it Ozgram kilt Loonella and Lajka and now everybody is look and look for it key and he say yes Sam. Digger tell about Sam you are not want it for greedy you are want to make free the mutant and it is best to safe the key with you until we make a plan for go do it. I was heavy in my breathe and say ok Digger I will keep it safe and never tell the secret of it and he say good Sam and thank you. He was have the worry look at me but Digger is not know how good is Sam at the hide of things.

Then we seen Tsu come run up and say hi and we say hi Tsu. I was tell Digger about how Tsu was good and fight next to me when the ghoul come to kill Lajka and so I whisper if it is ok we tell Tsu the secret we are not tell about. Digger was worry about her talk talk but then he say ok so I ask if Tsu is keep a secret and she is say yes Sam. I tell her what secret thing now I have and she is big eyes amaze too like Sam. We say Tsu we are need you come fight with us if things are danger and she was say yes I will. I am so glad of Tsu and Digger be my friend. Digger was say about get the Witch and Kitty and Apo and more folks for the go do it together. It is the thing I have been want for and fear of this whole time and even if Sam is kilt it will be all done today somehow.

After we talk I run back home and stop not even one time. I was think when I run home about the hide place best for a key that everybody is want for them greedy. I was think about push into the dirt of my housewarm plant Angh give me but then I member Grammy say metal is kill a plant root. So I think and think and then I know the place nobody is ever go and it is in my tub. So I go down in my cave and I use some Glu for the stick of it to my toy bath birdy and I put him float in the water like nothing is funny about it. Birdy is have the key in him bottom the whole time since and now we are go free the mutant today so I tell it here in case I get kilt. If it is happen that Sam is dead today and then you are read this after please find and tell Grammy I am love her.

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