Today I meet a dirty little girl called Flo who is live near my house. I seen where they were build they house from a bus it look safe too with a big fence for keep mean men out. But I was not know about they be brats there she is so young and she was tell about she older brother but I am think he is brat too. Also lives there I guess is a lady I seen once who has a big rusty birdthing in a metal house next to where Flo is live in a bus. Flo was say it is fly like a bird too but I think it is probably just story time because so heavy. Flo was also show me in they house about a geminator machine she say is make the trizitty. Flo was say about trizitty come from in wires and is like the food of machines but I don't know what it means. It seems like more people I meet now are short brats and they are more smart than Sam was as a brat too. Food for machines is the so funny thing anyway I am not think it is true. Sam was not born on a turnip cart. But I am like Flo so much and I will take them soup tomorrow for they welcome here gift.
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