I have a cold so I was in my hide place all day and I was thinking something that made me so scared. I don’t even want to spell about it because it is so bad but I guess I should anyway. I was thinking about Grammy and how nice she was to me and then I thought how she isn’t here and if someone didn’t believe in Grammy how there was nothing I could do to prove her being real. I guess I wondered that before but today maybe it was my cold or something because I started to wonder if Grammy really was real. And that’s when I got scared because if the things I think I know are just made up then what is really going on really and how will I ever even know it.

So I started to think about what I know is for real and the list was kind of short. I know my name and how to swim and make writing. I know that I had dirt in my mouth when I first became here and I can show the place where it happened so that’s real. But lots of things come out of the ground and maybe they all think they have Grammys that aren’t really real just like I think it. Maybe I’m just a stinger bug who got trapped out in the sun and my brain got cooked so I don’t think I’m a bug any more but I think I’m a person. I don’t know that is true or not and I can’t even prove it. I got so cross thinking like that I had to eat a Twonkie.
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