Another thing is when there are secret lines on the ground in places. Secret because I never heard nobody else talk about them so I guess I am the one who can see them somehow. A lot of times when I run across a secret line I have freezing cramps like a spell and other times I can’t stop running for a while. Even sometimes I run up onto the air for some reason. I watched it happen to some other people too so I know it isn’t just old crazy Sam again. I don’t understand how things happen here.
And then there is the thing about the animals around here. Some of them like this yellow kitty I met once are so nice and they are like a good friend. Kitty liked all my jokes and talked a lot but only said meow. Kitty was the best.

But then other animals are more about biting and poison even when I never hurt them or hardly just walk by. But I guess the people I see and meet here are kind of like that too where some are nice and some just want to beat me up and take my stuff. I guess some are good animals and some are bad animals.

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