I met a nice lady named Apo with fire color hair who was even making spelling on papers she had. I told her I could make spellings too and she didn’t seem like it was no big deal and nobody threw rocks or said we was full of demons for spelling. I also met a nice man named Digger who smoked on funny smelling cigars and made me tea and bacon. There was even someone more tiny than me there named Pea who was just a brat but very smart and funny. I got a terrible headpain while we all talked and Pea helped me by putting her fingers in my nose to stop the blood. I think she meant nice but her hands smelled funny.

Some other people were there too but I was so excited I never known their names. I asked if anyone wanted to trade for feathers but nobody there seemed to know what they are good for either and didn’t want them. I had so much fun talking to people who were nice and I guess I wasn’t too crazy that they wisht I was gone. Next time I will go too and see how much bacon I can trade for the electric motor I have.
Hah...I was going for the WL totally non-glam look! Good funny reads!