I wake up with the think in my head of is time for do them chores make my house look like not a dump. When I was a brat and let them chores pile up my Grammy would say Sam is you sleep all month or what. Who is even sleep for a whole month I don't know. I start with the scoop out of all them ashes from cook fire and scrub them walls for the black soot so thick.
The floor of kitchen was so filth too I get on my knees for make the clean of it. Grammy say you clean with you hands and also you back. Grammy always say about she have the bad back so I was do the floors all the times. Now when I do them floors I have the think of Grammy say that.
So much of them old webs grow behind chairs and things. Is funny because I am hardly ever seen no spiders but they web houses is every wheres. Also was the fur of Jack in all them behind places I am really need to sweep more.
I shake out my bed and pillow and say hi Mister Dirty and he say hi Sam back at me. I ask if him was want a bath but him just sit and stare at me so I guess no. Him name is Dirty anyway so is no surprise.
I make again the cook fire and start a new soup. Grammy teach me the make of fire and the right poke of it for keep burning. I guess Grammy teach me just about all the things I know of in a kitchen just like Marko teach me all the things I know of them guns. Is so nice to know folks who know things.
My new soup was make it from just things I had like some I don't know meat and a bent carrot I find in Junk Yard. I put in some nother things too but was mostly scraps. I watch it simmer and the broth look like throwup so I put in some yellow mold for the color of it. Is maybe not my best soup but I will eat it and Jack might too.
Then the last of my things I was not do for so long is write here in these pages of what I am do all the times. I guess things get busy and I forget what I love so much to do like write words. I am so lucky my Grammy teach me the spell of words for put my think its on paper. I never want to forget any day any more.
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