Home For Lunch

When me and Marko get home him say about have some lunch so I make a nice soup with I don't know meat and sweet lemon grass. I get a good feel from make a soup for Marko my most favorite thing to cook is for my friends. 

Marko was relax and say about some time is him make him famous buzzard chili. I am know Marko the so long time now and him is always say about famous chili but not do the make of it. But when him say about it him voice is happy.

I make some flatbreads too because Marko is big like a tree and eat like a hog. I have the long think it when was I make them breads about the day I meet Marko and how scared him was then. Is different for Marko because I was born a slave but him was caught for be one. 

I am never seen nobody eat like Marko eats like there is a race for finish it. I think him times in the slave hoard make him like a aminal and parts of him just stuck like that. Him say about love my soup and so good was them flatbreads too. And Marko was eat flatbreads my Grammy make so him know what good is.

After lunch we sit back and be quiet. I like when you friend is ok about be quiet together some times I got no words in my head for say it. So we just sit together and be quiet it was the most nice feel I got in the long time. 

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