Walk On Some Sand

I decide for start my long walk in the place name of Cormac. Them yellow sands is where so old places are on some cliffs and caves. I come to Cormac so much when I was first become here for it be so quiet just them winds blow.

I have the look all around was things got broke and just they bones is left. I have a think of maybe every thing is break some time and there is no way of stop it break so only you can just say ok. 

Them winds blow sting my face with they grits but my thick robe and scarf was keep most of sands out. Mister Dirty hang on my belt for the walk and him was happy for them dirts hit him. I think him is like them hens lay in dirts for they get clean. Him name is Dirty so is make sense I guess. 

I climb to where is them dead girls I know once. They are have the so high nice look at all them sands from above is like be in a cloud. Even people are break and they bones is all of them left. I guess every body is fall apart some time.   

I walk and walk and then was a bridge got broke and I was not walk no more that way. I have the far away look of the bridge in Rot and laugh about two broke bridges in my look at one time. Maybe is not real funny but I was laugh some. I think about jump for the nother side but I decide for not go there if maybe I am fall and be dead for it. 

I stand look at the broke bridge for the so long time just have a think about why is it broke. Maybe some sand hippo was try for cross and them beams was snap for him be so fat on it. Maybe a big wind just rip out the bridge middle. Maybe was just a bad bridge. I guess I am not know the why of it break but it sure was broke so I go the nother way.

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