Touch The Monkey

I walk to Cormac today for see about get some glu from the birdman Aeg but I seen them kids name of Nia and Panpot. They come over say hi Sam so I sam hi Nia and hi Panpot. Him little arm is still get better from be shot.

Them kids say at me about play a game name of Touch The Monkey. Is when one person is the monkey and run around try to touch somebody and if they do then the nother person is the monkey. They say about hide and play in Cormac sands I smile at they games.

Nia say about run up them long steps when Panpot was monkey and go up where is them so high cliffs of Cormac. Them steps is just not safe for play on them.

I have the think of it be so danger run on them cliffs and try for touch each other I am surprise no body fall and die about it. I guess them brats are not think of they fall and die. 

Then them kids say about see a boy in the far away was stand on some cliff watch them run. Him hairs was long and black and wear them furs of aminals for him clothes. 

Panpot say about run at the boy for make him monkey. But him was run from them so they think fur boy is play the game too. They chase him around on them cliffs and Panpot say him was run so fast for got little legs. 

The boy run up in them so old stone houses and sit on a high place. Nia say him make a sound like bark and sniff at the air like be a dog. I was wonder if them kids was just tell me stories who is ever hear of a dog boy I don't know.

Panpot reach for make he the monkey but fur boy was not want to be the monkey and keep away. Then Nia find a way for crawl up there so they crawl up there and see the boy. 

Nia put some candy down for make a friend but still him stay back and be fear look. Panpot try for tell the boy about they play the game together but him only sniff and worry at them.

Nia say him eyes have the look of be older than him body and tell about paw at the ground some. Nia think about maybe him claw them and every body was just stand still a while and wait for some body do some thing. 

Then the boy was growl like a dog get mad and show him teefs like bite you. Panpot say about him laugh at fur boy for him be like a dog but I am not think is nice to laugh at some body just because they is some aminal. 

Then so fast the boy jump away and climb down and run run fast. Them kids just chase after and try for make him monkey but the boy was run like a dog too. 

Then all three them brats was run down them long stairs. I shake my head at them because no body should run on stairs but them kids are never think they get hurt from nothing. 

They all run and run so far but the boy was not stop. Panpot say about get so close to him once but never was the boy be the monkey for they never touch him. 

Panpot grab at the boy but him trip in some sand and fall down and then Nia was trip on Panpot and her fall down. Fur boy just run off and never was they catch him now. Them kids was laugh and smile about they game and say about wisht fur boy was they friend. 

I am not sure I am believe they story is sound so crazy to see a dog boy but that was they say at me. I am want to meet dog boy some time I will give him bacons because Jack is love bacons. I ask if them kids want some of my new soup and they say was yes Sam we want you soup. So we walk back to my house and I was not tell them about the special ants in they soups I was keep quiet for the surprise of it. 

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