Nother Bath

I wake up from the fear again like jump up yell awake. I was bad dream but not member the what of it only was I so hard look around for find something I dumb let go of and lost in some sand. I am not know even what was the lost thing but my belly so knot about the lose of it and I was cry and cry at think of not have it no more. What is it I am wonder is make me the so sick when I am lost it. I have a think of must be very so good something or why cry at the lose of it so much I don't know. I was get the so worry about my good maybe lost thing I run around and dig with my hands for it like Jack at him hole just dig and dig sand was go everywhere in my hair and dig was crack my finger skins too. I member stop breathe then from have a wonder if I am so worry and cry because maybe I was not lose it it was lose me. Then was I yell awake. It is not the time of moon already for have a bath but I decide for go soak anyway because of knot and cry. In a soak I decide hang on to everything more tight for the just in case. Also was I find a lot of sands in my hair after so soon was my last bath so I don't know.

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