Is the day of today when my friends are come for eat my new soup I was so glad feel about it. I make them soups fresh and also fix them special things never been in no soup ever was big bugs from the tree. I am call it the name of Beetle Bisque of Sam.
I use them fresh cut grass and onion and cream milk for some base of soup and in it put some them nice fungus and also grub paste for thicker. And for top of it like the so special prize you get was one big beetle bug I fast fry in savory spice and oil so is crispy and yum.
I give them new soups at Marko and Kaya they so nice not eat fast but wait for everybody get they bowls. Kaya was try not have the look of soup much maybe green color soup is make she feel throwup I don't know. Marko smell him soup and make a yum sound of it but I never seen him eat some soup just was his bowl more empty when I come back from my kitchen each time.
Nick was have the look of maybe get the fear at my new soup but him smile say about hey Sam is a bug in my soup and I say Nick them bug is you soup. So Nick smell him bowl and taste the green and nibble at some bug leg too. Then was not look fear and more like the look of hungry.
Marko say about him so full of one bowl so not want the nother bowl and Kaya say about take she time for enjoy she soup so was not want more now thank you. Nick ask for the nother bowl and too for extra bug so I give him two fat beetle bug in him nother bowl. Nick is so funny blow on him soup like him breathe at it make the cool down of soup. I am never understand a boy maybe.
Nick was have three bowls and six bugs and sit in him chair after like stuffed with straw is what Grammy say when the feel of sleep is in you after eat so a lot. We talk some like friends are have them good times. I was so inside happy feel for me be there then.
But Marko was say then about hey Peanut we are talk about a thing with you ok so I say ok Marko. Marko wear him new hat and see from under like hide in him own hat I don't know why and then say Sam we come for tell you Mister Callow is dead. Kaya say is the true of it Sam and I seen him be dead my own self.

I was so amaze at they story of mean Mister Callow be dead and they say about Harvey kilt him too because of some informations him want from Mister Callow. I guess was important informations so Harvey kilt him and I was cry for Harvey be so mean. I was cry at they story ask about how is happen tell me what is happen and Kaya turn at Marko then Marko turn at Nick and Nick was sit there turn at nobody. Marko say Nick you was there for it happen you are tell Sam what was happen. I say please Nick tell me and cry and cry at the think of Harvey be so mean. Harvey was always help Sam and make them Brutes not kill me too. But even kill a mean man for just some informations is the so bad thing I am only call it be mean and I am not like mean from nobody even Harvey my friend.

Nick get the fear look again say about Sam stop you cry face I am tell all of the what happen so stop you cry ok please stop cry so I try for stop. Then Nick was look at my floor under him chair and start a soft talk story like so confuse and sad feel.
I am not know the mean of some him say about but I am tell all of him say here in my spell of it. Nick say about keep Mister Callow in the cave jail under the Bar of Harvey where is Nick work for Harvey too. Harvey was not want for Nick kill the mean man yet but they shoot him one knee off and was give me the glad feel for hear of it then.
Nick talk about Harvey be act funny like when is Mao kitty get cross and put she back hairs up then hiss but I am not think Harvey was really hiss so I don't know. Him was walk up then back at the cage and ask and ask Mister Callow about some informations maybe him know. Nick say about get the worry feel of Harvey then some.
Nick say about Mister Callow sing a song but not answer about the informations and Harvey was get the so anger. Mister Callow was sing him mean song about when you wist up on a star make no difference who you is. Is just what Nick say was him sing so I know know. But him mean mouth only was sing not say about some informations.
Then was Harvey get the mean look in him eye Nick say about Harvey ask Mister Callow if him know about somebody call the name of Crimeboss is a funny name I know but was what Nick say them was say so ok. Harvey ask about you know Crimeboss and how him was kilt and Mister Callow stop him sing song and start get the fear about it. Harvey was smile say about yes you are know what was happen to Crimeboss how somebody was cut off him small parts one then the nother then the nother until was twenty five boxes with him small parts of him body in them.
Harvey give him mean eye at Mister Callow and Mister Callow give him mean eye back but then get the fear of Harvey say about you are the man was so cut up Crimeboss and then him shake in the fear was Nick say. Mister Callow was nervous laugh then about if him was know that about Harvey him would ask for Harvey hire him. Nick say Mister Callow was like him admire the mean of Harvey. You have a think of you are know somebody and then some day you are find out them was a so mean man the whole time was be nice at you it is make me so wonder.
Then Nick say Harvey snap in him head and say Nick go make this basserd dead and Nick go inside and hack on Mister Callow with him toothy club. Then when Nick was almost kilt him Harvey come say about wait and Nick was wait not kilt him. Mister Callow was bleed on them gross sick floor of cave jail and Nick say him was sing him song about whist up on a star again. When I was know Mister Callow him never sing a song just hurt folks every day.
Then Nick say about Harvey get close to Mister Callow face and say whisper at him and Mister Callow was gurgle in him throat blood. Then Harvey was scream like a mamimal get a spear in him foot was the say of Nick. Harvey take him knife then and stab and stab at Mister Callow chest and keep stab and stab and yell too.
Nick say in him low talk about then him was back away from Harvey and get the fear of maybe him boss be crazy in him head. And Harvey was the mean man who chop up somebody and also now stab somebody for some informations. I would be walk so back away from him too.
Then Harvey was lay on them gross sick floor too and laugh crazy laugh and yell about somebody name of Rufus I am not even know who is Rufus or care too. But is the say of Nick so ok. For the true of it I am lost feel of so much about things in him story my head is like them hurt bird flap around in my skull.
Then I hear the voice of Kaya talk was make me jump some. Nick say Kaya come for the look of Mister Callow get kilt for them so mean things him done to her and cut she face too. Kaya tell about Harvey look so crazy killer and blood on all him everywheres and him say at her thank you Miss Nite I am not need you investigate no more a case is closed then walk away. My head was flap inside again about when was ever a case in the story and who is even care if a case is open or shut is just a case. Case of what is my wonder but nobody was have a say about that so I don't know.
Kaya was get the so sad eyes and too I seen she soft touch them scar on she face when she was talk. Marko get him so sad look at her for she say about Mister Callow was still gurgle him blood and not kilt yet. Kaya whisper tell about him talk mean words at her and then her take she blade and cut him mean throat for the final kill of him be dead. I was so clap about it because then was not Harvey kilt someone just for some informations it was Kaya kilt him for him own mean things him did at her. The kilt them for you get back at them is so better than you kilt them for just know something. I am think is true.
Kaya then have some say at Nick about what is Harvey go crazy about and Nick was say back about get the worry feel of him boss now. Kaya say about she is go tell Marko what happen and maybe all of thems together try for help Harvey be uncrazy. Nick say is maybe is umpossible.
Then Nick start him say again tell about pull Mister Callow dead body out of cave jail for him body not stink up the place. Nick say also about hear Harvey was scream and throw things at him own walls. Kaya say too about try for talk at Harvey but him was just say mean at her and lock him door and cry and yell. Nick say about drag the mean body over them sharp rocks and kick at him dead face too was make me so good inside feel about Nick.
But the next say of Nick was so give the fear feel I get the cold in my blood again and knot in my belly again like get them so bad feels again of when was Ozgram ghoul run around kilt them girls. Nick say about him drag the mean body to the big waters behind where is the Bar of Harvey and Nick tell about him throw the mean dead body in the water and him make a mean splash too.
I am so worry about they story and my heart is so thump hard too. I was just the so happy feel of my new soup for my friends and now again I am have the fear in my whole self again. I have the look in them eyes of Marko and Kaya and Nick but I seen them was not know why is the so horror now. Then was the explode of cry bomb on my face again and Marko give me some fabric bits for my nose mess.
Marko ask why is you cry about Peanut the man was so mean is dead now and I say at him even cross in my say about yes him dead but then him body is in some water was you crazy in you head was I yell ask them. Nick was look confuse and Marko and Kaya too and I say at them about be in water is sometimes make them dead body come back be a ghoul. Everybody was have the look of everybody and I seen all them worry eyes think of the ghoul of Mister Callow walk around and kill folks.

Nick was get the so nervous feel then say about I am not have all me tools in me shed is mean him is do a dumb thing about throw a body in some water. Nick run away then and Marko say about make Nick show where was him throw the mean dead body and Nick and Marko go then for have the look of the waters. Kaya was stay some whiles for ask me about the feel of when you is kilt somebody. I say about when was I kilt Ozgram ghoul it was change my inside like grow up because the so hard lesson and the feel of be a killer you whole entire life after do it. Kaya is be the so kind at Sam always and understand the ways of me think about them things that go on. Marko and Nick was not find no body in them waters.

Kaya was go then say thank you for the soup Samma Bamma is she funny name of me. I say you are come back soon for me teach you the soups for you make them you own self sometimes and Kaya say yes Sam ok good. After I was just sit in my kitchen hold my head for keep from explode out my ears. I am know the thing is true like I am know my own name is Sam. Mister Callow is ghoul.